Project Description


Are the world’s most widely used examination of English language competence. It is used to determine applicants’ suitability to work or study a course where English is the main language of communication.

What is the type of certification for applicants of program (certificate / certificate of participation)

Once you have completed course, Students are given a certificate showing the courses and grades they have taken with their student ID.

Content of program

The program determines to what degree each candidate has mastered the ability to use English in four main areas: Listening Speaking writing Interpreting written texts After the course, students should be able to: • Fully understand how to take the official TOEFL or IELTS exam and be able to successfully complete each section of the exam on time; • Use proper style and vocabulary in academic speaking and writing; Evaluate their own needs for further development with respect to TOEFLand IELTS

Who can attend?

IELTS and TOEFL are the world’s most popular English language test. If you’re looking to work, study or live abroad then attending in an IELTS or TOEFL program can help you make that dream come true.


Education history: 22 February 2021

Program content 1:
Training Day: Monday – Thursday
Total Hours of Training: 8 weeks / 40 hours / 5 hours per week (48 hours of extra practical English lessons will be provided, and a total of 88 hours of training will be provided)
Training Hours: It will be held between 18.30 – 21.00
The number of participants: 25
Program content 2:
Training Day: Saturday – Sunday
Total Hours of Training: 8 weeks / 40 hours / 5 hours per week (48 hours of extra practical English lessons will be provided, and a total of 88 hours of training will be provided)
Training Hours: It will be held between 10.00 – 14.30

The number of participants: 25

Course fee: 3.000 TL (VAT included)

How to Register?

  1. Fill in the “Candidate Information Registration Form” below.
  2. Our academic advisors will contact you as soon as possible for detailed information.


Prof. Jake Guyton
Prof. Jake GuytonABOUT TRAINER
Professor Jake Guyton specializes in Adult English Language Education and English for Academic Purposes, with a specified expertise in Accent Improvement teaching and learning methodologies. He holds one Master’s Degree in Linguistics and a second Master’s Degree in Foreign Language Education: TESOL, both received from Florida International University. Professor Guyton’s teaching methodologies leads to great success at simplifying complex content in an entertaining way that ensures that his students will have an effective and enjoyable educational experience.