LONCA Continuing Education Center
As Istanbul Health and Social Sciences Vocational School LONCA Continuing Education Center, we provide trainings for individuals to improve themselves in their business and private lives with a lifelong learning approach in our campus located in the Istanbul Historic Peninsula.
Our vision is to train qualified manpower for relevant sectors in order to raise international professionalism and management standards.
As life goes on, you don’t know how much the people living around you need your love, attention, knowledge and power. All you have to do is raise a future that will be useful.
If you love, show interest to your loved ones, share your knowledge, and use your strength for their success, you will have unknown contributions to those living around you. Because you never know what those around you really need.
With a well-planned career life; you can contribute to every individual around you with a successful, disciplined, educated and empowered life.
The value we give to our profession is related to how much we have developed it, the value we give to our child is related to his expectations from the future and the value we give to his education, the value we give to our colleagues, how much we share what we have learned, and the value we give to ourselves is how much we contribute to all these values.
We cannot plan for the future, but we can direct our own future and ensure that everyone benefits. For this reason, lifelong learning should be the life motto of each of us.